CSR Policy
In March 2006, Stephen Hansford Petrolub (M) Sdn. Bhd. (HANSFORD) announced the Contribution towards Sustainable Development, an interpretation of the Guiding Principles at Stephen Hansford that takes into consideration of Hansford's relations with stakeholders. This was revised in August 2009 to become the CSR Policy: Contribution towards Sustainable Development to take into account subsequent environmental changes and heightened societal interest in CSR.
Hansford has shared the statement with its consolidated subsidiaries and is taking other relevant action.
CSR Policy: Contribution towards Sustainable Development
We, STEPHEN HANSFORD PETROLUB together with our subsidiaries and associated companies, take initiative to contribute to harmonious and sustainable development of society and the earth through all business activities that we carry out in each country and region, based on our Guiding Principles.
We comply with local, national and international laws and regulations as well as the spirit thereof and we conduct our business operations with honesty and integrity.
In order to contribute to sustainable development, we believe that management interacting with its stakeholders as described below is of considerable importance, and we will endeavor to build and maintain sound relationships with our stakeholders through open and fair communication.
We expect our business partners to support this initiative and act in accordance with it.
Based on our philosophy of "Customer First", we develop and provide innovative, safe and outstanding high quality products and services that meet a wide variety of customers' demands to enrich the lives of people around the world.(Guiding Principles: 3 and 4)
We will endeavor to protect the personal information of customers and everyone else we are engaged in business with, in accordance with the letter and spirit of each country's privacy laws.(Guiding Principles: 1)
We respect our employees and believe that the success of our business is led by each individual's creativity and good teamwork. We stimulate personal growth for our employees.(Guiding Principles: 5)
We support equal employment opportunities, diversity and inclusion for our employees and do not discriminate against them.(Guiding Principles: 5)
We strive to provide fair working conditions and to maintain a safe and healthy working environment for all our employees.(Guiding Principles: 5)
We respect and honor the human rights of people involved in our business and, in particular, do not use or tolerate any form of forced or child labor.(Guiding Principles: 5)
Through communication and dialogue with our employees, we build and share the value "Mutual Trust and Mutual Responsibility" and work together for the success of our employees and the company. We recognize our employees' right to freely associate, or not to associate, complying with the laws of the countries in which we operate.(Guiding Principles: 5)
Management of each company takes leadership in fostering a corporate culture, and implementing policies, that promote ethical behavior.(Guiding Principles: 1 and 5)
Business Partners
We respect our business partners such as suppliers and dealers and work with them through long-term relationships to realize mutual growth based on mutual trust. (Guiding Principles: 7)
Whenever we seek a new business partner, we are open to any and all candidates, regardless of nationality or size, and evaluate them based on their overall strengths. (Guiding Principles: 7)
We maintain fair and free competition in accordance with the letter and spirit of each country's competition laws. (Guiding Principles: 1 and 7)
We strive to enhance corporate value while achieving a stable and long-term growth for the benefit of our shareholders.(Guiding Principles: 6)
We provide our shareholders and investors with timely and fair disclosure on our operating results and financial condition.(Guiding Principles: 1 and 6)
Global Society/Local Communities
We aim for growth that is in harmony with the environment by seeking to minimize the environmental impact of our business operations, such as by working to reduce the effect of possible polution due to our lubricants and operations on climate change and biodiversity. We strive to develop, establish and promote technologies enabling the environment and economy to coexist harmoniously and to build close and cooperative relationships with a wide spectrum of individuals and organizations involved in environmental preservation. (Guiding Principles: 3)
We implement our philosophy of "respect for people" by honoring the culture, customs, history and laws of each country.(Guiding Principles: 2)
We constantly search for safer, cleaner and superior technologies that satisfy the evolving needs of society for sustainable mobility.(Guiding Principles: 3 and 4)
We do not tolerate bribery of or by any business partner, government agency or public authority and maintain honest and fair relationships with government agencies and public authorities.(Guiding Principles: 1)
Social Contribution
Wherever we do business, we actively promote and engage, both individually and with partners, in social contribution activities that help strengthen communities and contribute to the enrichment of society.(Guiding Principles: 2)
Relationship between CSR Policy and the Guiding Principles at Hansford, and Various Regulations
In 2012, Hansford adopted "Hansford Global Vision", which is based on the Guiding Principles at Hansford. In order to achieve this vision, a medium- to long-term management plan was drafted and Hansford is working toward achieving the goals specified in the plan. In addition, the Hansford Initiative 2008 and Hansford Code of Conduct contain the values and methods that employees should adopt in putting the Guiding Principles at Hansford into practice and serve as guides for day-to-day activities.